
What To Check If You Wireless Transmitter Stops Working

In Uncategorized on October 27, 2012 by admin

In this post, I will offer some tips for troubleshooting wireless audio transmitters. If you are streaming music throughout your home then chances are that every once in a while you won’t get any sound from your speakers or equipment that you are running wirelessly. You don’t necessarily have to consult a pro in order to get your system back up and running.

In most cases, it is fairly easy to find the problem and resolve it within a few minutes. One of the most common causes of equipment failure is related to power. Make sure that you have all of your devices plugged into power. Also, check your fuse box to see if any of your outlets don’t have power. Most wireless audio transmitters have an indicator which will show whether there is power. If this indicator is lit then most likely there is no problem with power.

Next, double check all of the audio connections. If you are using RCA cables where the plugs have a leaf like shape then it may be that those plugs have become worn out and no longer make contact. Also, sometimes audio cables can break. The best way to test this is by swapping cables. If you have several receivers and a single transmitter then you can usually diagnose this issue fairly quickly because if none of the receivers have audio then the problem most likely is the transmitter. If, on the other hand, only one receiver doesn’t have a signal then the issue is with the receiver.

Strong wireless interference can also cause interruptions of wireless audio transmissions. Be sure to eliminate all wireless devices that transmit at the same frequency as your audio transmitter.

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