
Some Tips For Improving The Wireless Range Of The iFinity Audio Transmitter

In Uncategorized on October 16, 2012 by admin

If you are planning to distribute music in your home then the iFinity wireless audio transmitter is a good choice. It does offer simple setup and excellent range. Each transmitter can stream to up to 4 wireless receivers. Thus you can send music to several rooms in your home as well as outdoors. While the maximum 600-foot range is usually enough for most homes, there may be situations where you cannot get reliable reception. In this post I am going to offer some tips for improving the range of the iFinity transmitter.

The biggest problem for the wireless transmission are walls which will weaken the signal when it passes through. If the signal has to pass through several walls then the effective operating range can decrease rapidly. Thus the best way to improve reception is to relocate either the wireless receiver or transmitter within each room such that the number of walls in between both is minimized. The wireless signal can easily travel through corridors. If you have a series of corridors connecting both rooms then place the transmitter and receiver such that they are facing these open spaces.

Note that the corridors do not have to be in the same direction. The wireless signal can bounce off walls and change its direction. As long as there is a path between the wireless transmitter and receiver which does not require the signal to pass through too many walls then you should be able to get good reception. Also, try to eliminate wireless devices which transmit at the same frequency. This can in some cases cause reception to be affected. Do not locate the transmitter or receiver right next to other wireless devices. Leave a distance of several feet. Also, try changing the elevation of both to improve reception.

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