
How IPod Docks Have Changed

In Uncategorized on March 11, 2013 by admin

In this short overview I will highlight some of the changes that the latest batch of iPod speaker docks has undergone. While most of the changes are fairly minor, there are some docks that have added some very unique features. In this post I will point out the most interesting features that were added.

Airplay is one of the features that some of the more expensive ipod speaker docks have adopted. Airplay is a wireless protocol that was invented by Apple around 5 years ago. It is able to stream music via radiowaves. In a way Airplay is omewhat similar to Bluetooth. However, Airplay supports uncompressed audio streaming while Bluetooth only allows compressed audio. The other difference is that Airplay streaming is only supported by Apple devices. However, some speaker docks are able to pick up an Airplay signal and play the music via the dock speakers.

Another interesting feature is the ability to detach the dock speakers and transmit the music via a wireless link from the dock cradle to the speakers. Being able to detach the speakers can greatly improve the stereo separation of the speakers since they can be spaced fairly far apart from one another. Normally speaker docks incorporate two speakers. Due to their close proximity, these types of docks tend to have fairly limited stereo separation.

Another neat feature is the ability to extract video from the iPod in addition to the audio. Some of the newer docks have a VGA or HDMI output which connects to a plasma TV or computer monitor. This allows you to use the dock as an interface to your TV in order to watch pictures or movies which you have stored on your iPod or iPhone. Some of the latest docks also support other functions such as controlling the playback or arranging of media files on your iPod.

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